Saturday 13 September 2014

Natural remedies!!!

 5 Natural Remedies for Fair Skin
Posted by: Sara  in Home Remedies, Skin Care January 26, 2014 29 Comments

Although fair skin is not at all the standard of beauty, many people want their skin to get fair at any cost. This might be because of the social acceptance (right or wrong is not the issue here to be debated!), one’s own inner desire to be beautiful in a specific way or the fascination to explore one’s own limits of beauty. In my personal view, one should not try to alter what has been endowed by nature and dark skin is one of them! Beauty lies in the eyes of the beholder. Whether fair or not, your admirers will always like you, love you! However, because this article is about getting fair skin through home remedies, I must concentrate on the topic. As this has been a favorite topic since ages, traditional and modern researches have been conducted to find the ways for making skin fairer. So, here are some of the remedies that have been successfully used by people in the past to have fair skin.
1. Turmeric Remedies for Glowing Fair Skin
Turmeric will purify your blood, nourish your skin and give it themuch wanted glow and radiance. And how does turmeric do this. This herb spice has excellent anti-inflammatory, anti-aging and anti-bacterial properties for reducing inflammation of skin along with all the blemishes, acne, pimples, pigmentation etc. on it. Include turmeric in your diet. You may also use turmeric in other ways to get fair skin.
Make a turmeric mask:
Lemon juice with its bleaching properties helps turmeric to give you fairer skin.
Get this:
Turmeric powder- 1 tsp
Fresh lemon juice- 3 tsp
Do this:
Add 1 tsp of turmeric powder to 3 tsp of fresh lemon juice.
Apply on your face.
Leave for 15 minutes.
Wash off with lukewarm water.
Be careful with your clothes and surroundings as turmeric is capable of leaving stains everywhere.
Use turmeric scrub
Exfoliating skin is a great way to brighten up your skin. Use this home made scrub to get cleaner fairer skin.
Get this:
Turmeric- 1 tsp
Fresh cream- 1 tbsp (use milk if you have oily skin)
Gram flour- 2 tsp
Do this:
Mix turmeric, cream and gramflour well to make a scrub.
Use this mixture to rub your face gently with fingers. This will excellently exfoliate your skin and also make you fairer.
If you have oily skin, avoid using cream. Instead use milk or even water to make the paste.
Scrub for about 10-15 minutes before washing off with lukewarm water.
Use turmeric with sunflower seeds
Sunflower seeds can be very useful in getting fair skin.
Get this:
Sunflower seeds- 2 tbsp
Milk- 1/2 cup
Saffron- a pinch of it
Turmeric- a pinch of it
Do this:
Soak the sunflower seeds in milk overnight.
In the morning, grind the seeds to get a paste.
Mix saffron and turmeric with this.
Apply on your skin and leave for 15-20 minutes.
Wash off.
Do this daily for prolonged period. It may take few weeks when you see change in your skin color.
Turmeric, rice powder, tomato juice facepack
fair skin for face pack
Make this facepack with all natural ingredients along with turmeric to get radiant glow and fairer skin.
Get this:
Turmeric- 1 tsp
Rice powder- 2 tbsp
Tomato juice- 2 tbsp
Milk- enough to make a paste
Do this:
Mix all the ingredients- turmeric, rice powder, tomato juice and milk to get a paste. Increase or decrease the quantity to get the right consistency that will stay on face.
Apply this mask to your face and neck.
Leave for 30 minutes.
Wash off with lukewarm water.
2. Almond and Almond Oil Remedies for Fair Skin
With all its nutrients including antioxidants, omega 3 fatty acids, Vitamin E, Proteins, magnesium and calcium, almonds can do wonders for your skin. It can even give you a fairer skin. The most beneficial antioxidants in almonds cleanse and also eliminate toxins as well as free radicals in your body. The best way is to eat these nuts regularky, on a daily basis. But there are many other ways to get the smooth and glowing skin with the use of almonds and almond oil too.
Take an almond oil massage
Get this:
Almond oil
Neem (Margosa) leaves
Tulsi (Basil) leaves
Pinch of sffron (optional)
Quantity of all the above ingredients depends upon the fact how much area of your body you wish to massage- only face or also hands and feet or full body!
Do this:
Crush the neem and basil leaves.
Mix them with almond oil.
Make the oil warm (not hot)
Add saffron, if using
Massage your skin with this warm herbal almond oil.
Massage well and then leave it on your skin for about half an hour minimum.
Take bath.
Lemon juice, milk powder, almond oil remedy
Get this:
Milk powder- 1 tsp
Lemon juice- 1 tsp
Almond oil- 1 tsp
Do this:
Mix almond oil, milk powder and lemon juice.
Apply this mixture to your skin.
Leave it there for about 20 minutes.
Wash off with water.
Sandalwood almond oil mix for fair skin
Get this:
Sandalwood paste
Almond oil
Do this:
Mix sandalwood paste and almond oil
Apply this on your skin
Leave for 20 minutes minimum
Wash off
Almond milk paste for fair skin
Get this:
Almonds – 8-10
Milk- 1/2 cup
Do this:
Soak almond in milk overnight.
In the morning, grind them to get paste.
Add mor milk if needed to get a consistency of paste that can sit on skin.
Apply the mix on your skin.
Leave for 20-30 minutes
Wash off

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