Saturday 13 September 2014

Get fair skin!!!

Getting an even fair skin tone and a good complexion is what everyone wants today. Fairness is an important factor in today’s world, and most of everyone is concerned about Fair skin tone. All of us spend money at Dermatologists, apply expensive fairness creams and are even ready for cosmetic surgeries to get fairness. Today, so many fairness products are available in the market, endorsed by bog celebrities which are expensive and some international fairness products that assure you fairness. All of you can get fair skin tone naturally with home remedies that are effective and safe. Before going to the home remedies, know what your expensive cosmetic for fairness are going to give you.
How to get Fair Skin at home Naturally, fairness with natural home remedies
But, what do you get after using expensive cosmetic fairness products?
  • You get temporary fairness that evades as soon as you stop using those products.
  • You get over sensitive skin.
  • You get side effects of chemicals used in these so called expensive cosmetic fairness products.
So does that mean there is no way you can get fair skin tone? No, it means stop using those chemical cosmetics on your face and start using homemade natural home remedies that are safe and healthy for your skin. You will get fair skin tone naturally with home remedies that will stay with you forever without giving you any side effects.

Home Made Remedies for Fair Skin

Natural facial

Banana + Turmeric

Take 1 Ripe banana and mast it to get a fine paste. Add a pinch of turmeric and mix it well. Apply the banana pack on your face and relax until it gets completely dry or at least for 20 minutes. Wash and pat dry. Repeat it twice a week to get Fair skin tone.
Note: You can also add a few drops of lemon if you have oily skin.

Aloe Vera

Take Aloe Vera leaf, peel and blend it to get Aloe Vera Gel. You can also get Aloe Vera Gel from the market. Apply Aloe Vera gel directly on your face and wait for at least 15 minutes. Wash and pat dry. You can store the aloe Vera gel and apply daily.
Note: Some people are allergic to Aloe Vera. In case you feel irritation on your face on uneasiness. Please wash your face immediately.

Fuller’s Earth

Take 2 tablespoon Fuller’s Earth (Multani Mitti), add two tablespoon Rose Water to make a fine paste for face pack. Apply the home made face pack for 20-25 minutes. Pat your dried face with wet hands and wait for another 5 minutes. Massage with wet hand to scrub your face and wash the pack off. Pat dry your face.

Potato + Milk

Grate a potato and squeeze it to get Juice. Take two table spoon Potato juice and add two table spoons raw milk. Massage your whole face with this mixture for at least 10-15 minutes. Let the mixture stay on your face for another 10 minutes before you wash your face. Pat dry your face. Repeat it daily.


Take a ripe Papaya and mash it to get a fine paste. Apply the papaya paste on your face for at least 10-15 minutes. Massage your face with papaya paste before you wash your face. Pat dry.

Basil Leaves (Tulsi)

Get some fresh Basil Leaves and grind them to get a textured paste. Apply the paste on your face and wait for 10 minutes. Wash off with lukewarm water and pat dry your face. Repeat twice a week to get an amazing glow and Fair skin.


Grind a potato to get a textured paste. Apply on your face and massage gently for 10 minutes. Let the tomato paste stay on your face for another 10 minutes. Wash your face to get instant glow and everlasting fair skin.


I hope you will try these simple home remedies to get fair skin tone naturally. These remedies are easily available in your kitchen and garden, very less expensive and safe for you. Do give us feedback if you tried any of the remedies to get fair skin tone.

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