Saturday 13 September 2014

Get fair skin!!!

Getting an even fair skin tone and a good complexion is what everyone wants today. Fairness is an important factor in today’s world, and most of everyone is concerned about Fair skin tone. All of us spend money at Dermatologists, apply expensive fairness creams and are even ready for cosmetic surgeries to get fairness. Today, so many fairness products are available in the market, endorsed by bog celebrities which are expensive and some international fairness products that assure you fairness. All of you can get fair skin tone naturally with home remedies that are effective and safe. Before going to the home remedies, know what your expensive cosmetic for fairness are going to give you.
How to get Fair Skin at home Naturally, fairness with natural home remedies
But, what do you get after using expensive cosmetic fairness products?
  • You get temporary fairness that evades as soon as you stop using those products.
  • You get over sensitive skin.
  • You get side effects of chemicals used in these so called expensive cosmetic fairness products.
So does that mean there is no way you can get fair skin tone? No, it means stop using those chemical cosmetics on your face and start using homemade natural home remedies that are safe and healthy for your skin. You will get fair skin tone naturally with home remedies that will stay with you forever without giving you any side effects.

Home Made Remedies for Fair Skin

Natural facial

Banana + Turmeric

Take 1 Ripe banana and mast it to get a fine paste. Add a pinch of turmeric and mix it well. Apply the banana pack on your face and relax until it gets completely dry or at least for 20 minutes. Wash and pat dry. Repeat it twice a week to get Fair skin tone.
Note: You can also add a few drops of lemon if you have oily skin.

Aloe Vera

Take Aloe Vera leaf, peel and blend it to get Aloe Vera Gel. You can also get Aloe Vera Gel from the market. Apply Aloe Vera gel directly on your face and wait for at least 15 minutes. Wash and pat dry. You can store the aloe Vera gel and apply daily.
Note: Some people are allergic to Aloe Vera. In case you feel irritation on your face on uneasiness. Please wash your face immediately.

Fuller’s Earth

Take 2 tablespoon Fuller’s Earth (Multani Mitti), add two tablespoon Rose Water to make a fine paste for face pack. Apply the home made face pack for 20-25 minutes. Pat your dried face with wet hands and wait for another 5 minutes. Massage with wet hand to scrub your face and wash the pack off. Pat dry your face.

Potato + Milk

Grate a potato and squeeze it to get Juice. Take two table spoon Potato juice and add two table spoons raw milk. Massage your whole face with this mixture for at least 10-15 minutes. Let the mixture stay on your face for another 10 minutes before you wash your face. Pat dry your face. Repeat it daily.


Take a ripe Papaya and mash it to get a fine paste. Apply the papaya paste on your face for at least 10-15 minutes. Massage your face with papaya paste before you wash your face. Pat dry.

Basil Leaves (Tulsi)

Get some fresh Basil Leaves and grind them to get a textured paste. Apply the paste on your face and wait for 10 minutes. Wash off with lukewarm water and pat dry your face. Repeat twice a week to get an amazing glow and Fair skin.


Grind a potato to get a textured paste. Apply on your face and massage gently for 10 minutes. Let the tomato paste stay on your face for another 10 minutes. Wash your face to get instant glow and everlasting fair skin.


I hope you will try these simple home remedies to get fair skin tone naturally. These remedies are easily available in your kitchen and garden, very less expensive and safe for you. Do give us feedback if you tried any of the remedies to get fair skin tone.

Natural remedies!!!

 5 Natural Remedies for Fair Skin
Posted by: Sara  in Home Remedies, Skin Care January 26, 2014 29 Comments

Although fair skin is not at all the standard of beauty, many people want their skin to get fair at any cost. This might be because of the social acceptance (right or wrong is not the issue here to be debated!), one’s own inner desire to be beautiful in a specific way or the fascination to explore one’s own limits of beauty. In my personal view, one should not try to alter what has been endowed by nature and dark skin is one of them! Beauty lies in the eyes of the beholder. Whether fair or not, your admirers will always like you, love you! However, because this article is about getting fair skin through home remedies, I must concentrate on the topic. As this has been a favorite topic since ages, traditional and modern researches have been conducted to find the ways for making skin fairer. So, here are some of the remedies that have been successfully used by people in the past to have fair skin.
1. Turmeric Remedies for Glowing Fair Skin
Turmeric will purify your blood, nourish your skin and give it themuch wanted glow and radiance. And how does turmeric do this. This herb spice has excellent anti-inflammatory, anti-aging and anti-bacterial properties for reducing inflammation of skin along with all the blemishes, acne, pimples, pigmentation etc. on it. Include turmeric in your diet. You may also use turmeric in other ways to get fair skin.
Make a turmeric mask:
Lemon juice with its bleaching properties helps turmeric to give you fairer skin.
Get this:
Turmeric powder- 1 tsp
Fresh lemon juice- 3 tsp
Do this:
Add 1 tsp of turmeric powder to 3 tsp of fresh lemon juice.
Apply on your face.
Leave for 15 minutes.
Wash off with lukewarm water.
Be careful with your clothes and surroundings as turmeric is capable of leaving stains everywhere.
Use turmeric scrub
Exfoliating skin is a great way to brighten up your skin. Use this home made scrub to get cleaner fairer skin.
Get this:
Turmeric- 1 tsp
Fresh cream- 1 tbsp (use milk if you have oily skin)
Gram flour- 2 tsp
Do this:
Mix turmeric, cream and gramflour well to make a scrub.
Use this mixture to rub your face gently with fingers. This will excellently exfoliate your skin and also make you fairer.
If you have oily skin, avoid using cream. Instead use milk or even water to make the paste.
Scrub for about 10-15 minutes before washing off with lukewarm water.
Use turmeric with sunflower seeds
Sunflower seeds can be very useful in getting fair skin.
Get this:
Sunflower seeds- 2 tbsp
Milk- 1/2 cup
Saffron- a pinch of it
Turmeric- a pinch of it
Do this:
Soak the sunflower seeds in milk overnight.
In the morning, grind the seeds to get a paste.
Mix saffron and turmeric with this.
Apply on your skin and leave for 15-20 minutes.
Wash off.
Do this daily for prolonged period. It may take few weeks when you see change in your skin color.
Turmeric, rice powder, tomato juice facepack
fair skin for face pack
Make this facepack with all natural ingredients along with turmeric to get radiant glow and fairer skin.
Get this:
Turmeric- 1 tsp
Rice powder- 2 tbsp
Tomato juice- 2 tbsp
Milk- enough to make a paste
Do this:
Mix all the ingredients- turmeric, rice powder, tomato juice and milk to get a paste. Increase or decrease the quantity to get the right consistency that will stay on face.
Apply this mask to your face and neck.
Leave for 30 minutes.
Wash off with lukewarm water.
2. Almond and Almond Oil Remedies for Fair Skin
With all its nutrients including antioxidants, omega 3 fatty acids, Vitamin E, Proteins, magnesium and calcium, almonds can do wonders for your skin. It can even give you a fairer skin. The most beneficial antioxidants in almonds cleanse and also eliminate toxins as well as free radicals in your body. The best way is to eat these nuts regularky, on a daily basis. But there are many other ways to get the smooth and glowing skin with the use of almonds and almond oil too.
Take an almond oil massage
Get this:
Almond oil
Neem (Margosa) leaves
Tulsi (Basil) leaves
Pinch of sffron (optional)
Quantity of all the above ingredients depends upon the fact how much area of your body you wish to massage- only face or also hands and feet or full body!
Do this:
Crush the neem and basil leaves.
Mix them with almond oil.
Make the oil warm (not hot)
Add saffron, if using
Massage your skin with this warm herbal almond oil.
Massage well and then leave it on your skin for about half an hour minimum.
Take bath.
Lemon juice, milk powder, almond oil remedy
Get this:
Milk powder- 1 tsp
Lemon juice- 1 tsp
Almond oil- 1 tsp
Do this:
Mix almond oil, milk powder and lemon juice.
Apply this mixture to your skin.
Leave it there for about 20 minutes.
Wash off with water.
Sandalwood almond oil mix for fair skin
Get this:
Sandalwood paste
Almond oil
Do this:
Mix sandalwood paste and almond oil
Apply this on your skin
Leave for 20 minutes minimum
Wash off
Almond milk paste for fair skin
Get this:
Almonds – 8-10
Milk- 1/2 cup
Do this:
Soak almond in milk overnight.
In the morning, grind them to get paste.
Add mor milk if needed to get a consistency of paste that can sit on skin.
Apply the mix on your skin.
Leave for 20-30 minutes
Wash off

4. Turmeric and tomato face pack:

We already know about the benefits of turmeric. Did you know that lycopene present in tomatoes helps to reduce skin irritation, redness, DNA damage from ultraviolet rays of the sun. However, don’t forget applying sunscreens altogether. Lycopene is an antioxidant that protects the face from damage caused by sunrays. It is also a great ant-ageing agent. So stay young with a tomato diet!
Things you will need:
  • Turmeric
  • Tomato juice
  • Mix turmeric with tomato juice.
  • Apply on your face and allow it to dry.
  • Wash your face with tepid water.
This is quite a popular pack among women for its simplicity and the glowing results!
  • Alternatively, try this even simpler remedy. You can take out the tomato pulp and massage your skin with it. Leave this on for 15-20 minutes and rinse off. This will help to bring about a change in your complexion if done every day.

5. Turmeric face pack:

This is an all-time favourite! The results have always been so stunning that this has now become a must-do ritual for a bride before the wedding day!
Things you will need:
Image: Shutterstock
  • Gram flour (good exfoliator)
  • Pinch of turmeric (lightens skin tone)
  • Milk (moisturizer) 
  • Mix all the above ingredients and apply the mask.
  • Scrub the paste gently on your face for 5 minutes and let it dry for 20 minutes.
  • Once it’s dry, clean your face.

6. Yogurt and dried orange peel:

Orange is rich in vitamin C and it is a great skin tonic. It helps to cure and prevent acne and keeps other skin problems at bay. Nothing can be better than yogurt for your skin. It is not only great for your health it makes your skin glow. Plain yogurt fight ace, skin dicolouration, signs of ageing like fine lines and wrinkles. The best thing about yogurt is that it is the most effective mosturiser for all skins.
Things you will need:
  • Dried orange peel
  • Fresh and unflavored yogurt
  • Do not throw away the orange peels after eating the fruit! Dry the orange peels first under the sun before grinding.
  • Grind the dried orange peels.
  • Mix 1 tbsp. of it with 1 tbsp. fresh and unflavored yogurt. Make a paste.
  • Apply and keep it on for 15-20 minutes.
  • Then rinse off.

7. Yogurt and lemon:

Image: Shutterstock
Both yogurt and lemon moisturizes the skin and removes blemishes that makes the face look dull. This combination will add luster to your face.
Things you will need:
  • Fresh and unflavored yogurt
  • Fresh lemon juice
  • Mix 1 teaspoon of lemon juice with 1 tablespoon of fresh and unflavored yogurt and mix well.
  • Apply and keep on cleansed skin for 15-20 minutes
  • Then rinse off.
This will not only make your skin fairer but it will also reduce acne marks and dark spots (if any) on your skin.

8. Milk, lemon juice and honey:

Image: Shutterstock
The combination of raw milk, honey and lemon will not only make you fair naturally, it will also lock moisture in your skin. It will act as a physical barrier and protect your skin from damage from environmental factors like pollution.
Things you will need:
  • Milk
  • Lemon Juice
  • Honey
  • Use 1 tsp. each of milk/milk powder, honey and lemon juice, and mix to form a paste.
  • It should be applied on cleansed skin and left for 15-20 minutes.
  • After that you can rinse it off.

9.  Milk and saffron:

Saffron is touted as the best skin fairness agent. It is expensive than other food items, but is worth investing in saffron to get the golden glow.
Things you will need:
  • Cold, uncoiled milk (raw) – 2 to 3 teaspoons
  • A few strands of saffron (also known as Kesar)
  • Put 5-6 strands of saffron in the milk.
  • Let it stay for 3-4 hours.
  • Cleanse your face and neck, and apply this mix.
  • Leave it on for 15-20 minutes.
  • Wash off with lukewarm water.
This is one of the most effective means for achieving fairness. It also makes your skin soft and smooth. Raw milk is not heavy; hence, this will suit all skin types.

10. Papaya and fuller’s earth:

Papaya and fuller’s earth or multani mitti not only makes the skin fair, it also makes it healthy. Both these are popularly used in all beauty products, but it best to make a homemade mask to protect your skin from chemicals. Just cut out chemicals from your skin care routine.Those will oily skin can use this face pack without any worry!
Things you will need:
  • 1 tbsp. papaya pulp
  • 1 teaspoon fuller’s earth (multani mitti)
  • Mix the two together.
  • Apply on cleansed skin.
  • Let it dry and rinse off.
This makes for a refreshing summer mask.

Daily care!!!

Simple Daily Skin Care Necessities:

Your skin needs time and care for rejuvenation and regeneration. Without basic care, improving your skin condition and tone would be a difficult task. This is why you need to follow these skincare basics to ensure a youthful, glowing skin.

a. Drink lots of water:

Make it a habit to drink a minimum of 8 glasses of water every single day.This is not just a common advice, water is essential for proper functioning of the body. There is fluid loss from the body due to evaporation and sweating and also via urination. This loss needs to be compensated by drinking plenty of water and juices but not soft drinks.
When water intake is not equal to water output then dehydration takes place.Generally fluid loss takes place in warmer climates, among those who does grueling exercise routines at high altitudes and in older people who don’t tend to feel thirsty.
The body is composed of 60% water which is required for various body functions like digestion, respiration, absorption, circulation, transportation of nutrients and maintenance of normal body temperature. When you are low on water the brain triggers the body’s thirst mechanism. Water is a non-calorie beverage and it is the safest way to lose weight.
Water energizes you and relieves you from fatigue. When you are dehydrated and tired your face looks really dull. The skin mirrors your health, so you should treat water like a nutrient and drink it.Water keeps your skin hydrated but it doesn’t remove wrinkles. Since water improves digestion it makesyour face fresh and free of acne.

b. Sleep well:

If you don’t sleep it shows on your face. You look irritated and tired. The solution is don’t skip your beauty sleep and do not stay awake till late hours in the night. Lack of sleep cause the blood vessels to dilate and this result in dark circles.
The skin undergoes repairing, restoration and rebalancing while you are sleeping. The dead skin cells give away to newer cells and the face gets an instant lift. All the hormonal and metabolic changes occur in the body while you are sleeping. So lack of sleep disrupts the body processes. Seven to eight hours of sleep is absolutely needed if you want a healthy skin. However, don’t oversleep it can cause cell breakdown, maintain a balance.
Fix your sleeping and waking time. Sleep on a soft pillow and also make sure the pillow cover is also soft.

c. Exercise:

You must exercise for at least 30 minutes every day. If you have skin problem like acne, psoriasis and rosacea take ample precautions before exercising, but don’t let skin problems hinder your active life. Dermatologists say that exercise helps to increase blood circulation that itself boosts skin health.
When you do any physical activity the blood carries oxygen and nutrients to all the cells, including your skin cells and makes it healthy. Exercise also helps to remove cellular debris and free radicals from the body and cleanse it from within. Sometimes, stress causes the sebaceous glands to secrete more sebum and this triggers skin problems like eczema and acne. Exercise helps to de-stress and this keeps skin problems at bay. Most important, exercise tones your body and makes you look beautiful.

d. Exfoliate:

Follow a good skin care routine. Do not skip exfoliation as without this, you cannot get rid of dead and dry skin that accumulates and makes your complexion appear dull. You needn’t always buy a scrub. Homemade scrubs are just as effective! Use oatmeal as an exfoliator instead of a packaged product. There are many natural options available.

e. Remove make up before sleep:

It is important to let your skin breathe.Remove your makeup before you sleep every night. Yes, follow this step every night without fail no matter how tired you are! With makeup, your skin cannot repair by itself.
Using oil to remove makeup is perhaps the best way than using harsh chemicals. Those with oily skin feel that excess oil can cause more harm, well it is not so, oil helps to dissolve dirt and sebum without stripping the face of the natural oils. Those with oily skin can also use astringent like neem based cleanser.
Make sure the cleanser is water based. But virgin olive oil is the best, it remove all eye and face make up in one step. You can also use castor oil, its anti-bacterial and great your skin. You can also blend castor oil with almond oil, avocado oil and jojoba oil to remove wrinkles and give your skin the natural glow.
  • Blend half cup of virgin olive oil and castor oil.
  • Apply it on your face and gently massage. Use the oil to remove all the eye makeup gently.
  • Now dip the washcloth in warm water and wring out the excess moisture.
  • Place it on your face and keep it for a minute and then wipe out the excess oil.
  • This simple oil cleansing routine will remove all impurities.

f. Have vitamin rich food:

Incorporate Vitamin A and Vitamin C rich foods in your diet. This will bring a natural glow to your skin. Vitamin C tablets are also available. You can have one tablet every day post lunch for a clear skin tone.

Homemade Beauty Tips for Fair Skin

So, now the question is how to become fair? Now that you know all the factors that are responsible for healthy skin, it’s time to pamper yourself. Apply these easy to make face packs and relax as they work their magic. These are some of the oldest and most popular homemade beauty tips for the face that our grandmas have passed on to us!

1. Tea water and honey face pack:

If you simply love the aroma of tea, you can also use it for your skin. You can use tea water for bath and soak in its fragrance. Also you can put tea water in a spray bottle and gently spray it on your face to feel rejuvenated. You can use normal black tea, green tea or herbal teas like chamomile, mint and lavender. Just like you drink tea to relieve stress, similarly de-stress your skin with a tea water wash. The antioxidants in tea water will flush out the free radicals and toxins from your skin. Adding honey will help to protect your face from bacteria and keep it hydrated.
Things you will need:
  • 1 cup of tea water (cooled down)
  • 2 spoons of rice flour
  • ½ a spoon of honey
The rice flour acts as an excellent scrub and honey moisturizes the skin.
  • Mix the above ingredients and apply on the skin. Leave it on till the mask dries completely for around 20 minutes or more.
  • Before washing off the mask with water, make sure you massage in circular motions; this is important as it removes the dead skin and evens out the skin tone.
  • Wash your face with cold water .This gives you a fairer and even skin tone. 

2. Oats and lemon face pack:

Oats is a natural exfoliator. Oats are hypoallergenic and are suitable for those who have eczema. If you only had oats for your breakfast to become slim, you can also use it on your skin to clear it from excess oil, grime and impurities. Lemon is rich in vitamin C and has skin lightening properties. You will find many commercial fairness creams have lemon extracts in it. Isn’t it better to use lemon juice directly than using extracts? Also give your skin a break from harsh chemicals.
Things you will need:
  • 1 tbsp. of oats; cooked and mashed (helps reduce inflammation and heals the skin).
  • 1 tbsp. of lemon juice (lemon helps lighten the skin tone).
  • If you have sensitive skin, you can dilute the lemon juice with water.
  • Mix the above ingredients and apply on the face by massaging into the skin.
  • Let it dry for 20 minutes.
  • Wash and pat dry.
Look into more of these oatmeal face packs for a fairer face and glowing skin.

3. Turmeric and lemon face pack:

Turmeric is perhaps the best solution for fair skin. No doubt, the bride looks even more gorgeous after the halide (turmeric) ceremony. Halide ceremony has become the part of Indian wedding, it is said applying halide or turmeric paste on the skin makes the body pure before the sacred marriage ritual takes place.
Turmeric also gives the skin a visible golden glow. Turmeric is a very good exfoliating agent and also prevents the skin from ageing. Turmeric is used with bean or gram flour inhibits facial hair growth giving you a fairer skin. Turmeric also removes acne, stretch marks, wrinkles and blemishes. Adding lemon juice to turmeric will make it a potent skin fairness agent.
Things you will need:
Image: Shutterstock
  • Gram flour
  • Turmeric
  • Lemon juice
  • Milk
  • Mix all the above ingredients and apply evenly on the face.
  • Scrub the paste gently on your face for 5 minutes and let it dry for 20 minutes.
  • Once it’s dry, clean your face.

Be beautiful!!

Dusky is beautiful - how many times have we thus consoled ourselves about our dark complexion? We cannot change the color we were born with or the amount of melanin we have, though we can definitely remove all the darkening and shadows formed over the years of sun and exposure. Sunlight, tanning and stress are factors due to which the tone of our skin has darkened –but our skin tone can again become rosy and flawless with a glowing complexion.

Lightening skin color can take a long time so patience is the key ingredient along with consistency and hard work.

Even before you start working on your complexion, there are a few things you will need to pay attention to - dealing with exposure to the sun comes first in the list. Always use a sunscreen before you leave home, an SPF 30, and if you are indoors you can use a SPF 15sunscreen cream. Reapply at midday.

Drink enough water - at least 8 glasses a day to keep your skin well hydrated and sound sleep with some exercise to make you perspire and open your pores.

Thursday 11 September 2014

Do pedicure at your home!!


  1. Do a Pedicure Step 1 Version 2.jpg
    Pick up your supplies. For a good quality pedicure, you’ll need some basic toe-tampering supplies. Grab a tub and water for soaking, nail clippers, a nail file, a cuticle stick/orange stick, a nail buffer, a pumice stone or scrubbing brush, a clear top and base coat, and a polish color of choice. Optional additional supplies include bath salts for soaking your feet, cuticle trimmers, cuticle oil, and lotion for a massage afterwards.[1]
  2. Do a Pedicure Step 2 Version 2.jpg
    Remove any pre-existing nail polish. Although it may seem obvious, taking off your old nail polish is an important first step to giving yourself a pedicure. It’ll be hard to add a new color over the top of an old one! Use an acetone remover, making sure to get the bits along your cuticles as well.
  3. Do a Pedicure Step 5 Version 2.jpg
    Start your soak. Fill a tub or basin with hot water, and if you’d like, a bit of bath salts or oils. Now it’s time to sit back and relax! Let your feet soak for 10 minutes; the hot water will soften tough calluses and remove the dirt and grime that might have built up. It will also help to soften your nails and cuticles, which is critical when you’re prepping to paint your toes.
  4. Do a Pedicure Step 3 Version 2.jpg
    Cut and file your nails. Start by trimming your nails down to size; use a pair of nail clippers to cut your toenails to be just short enough to see a bit of white at the tips. The #*shape of the nail should be slightly squared, following the natural topline of your toes. Use your nail file to buff down the sharp edges of nail the clippers might have left, and to do any further shaping you would like.
    • Avoid cutting your nails in a rounded shape, as this can promote ingrown toenails.
    • If you’re able, try filing your nails in the same direction to avoid splitting the layers and damaging your nails.
  5. Do a Pedicure Step 7 Version 2.jpg
    Prepare your cuticles. Although this step is optional, it can go a long way in making your toes better prepared for painting. Use your orange stick/cuticle stick to gently push back the cuticle around each nail. If you have cuticle trimmers, gently cut away the excess cuticle skin that builds up over time. Rub on a little cuticle oil when you’re finished to supplement the sensitive skin with a bit of added moisture.
  6. 6
    Smooth out the tops of your nails. Use your buffing pad to file down the ridges and rough edges on the tops of your nails. Pay particular attention to the edges that you’ve just trimmed or filed, as this area typically needs to be beveled a bit to create a level plane, so to speak. Use your buffing pad in the same direction and tilt the angle of it to reach the entirety of each toenail.
  7. Do a Pedicure Step 4 Version 2.jpg
    Clean up and soften your skin. Now it’s time to move onto your actual feet. Use your pumice stone to scrub down the calluses on the heel and ball of your foot. You can scrub pretty roughly in these areas, because the skin is often very thick and dulled to pain. When you’ve removed any dried skin or calluses, you can use a scrubbing brush to clean up your entire foot. Use the brush between your toes and all over the bridge of your foot, adding soap if you’d like a bit of an extra clean.
    • Be sure to rinse off your feet with a bit of water after scrubbing.
    • Avoid using a ‘cheese grater’ type tool on your calluses, as these have proven to be dangerous and can cause fungal infections.
  8. 8
    Finish preparing for polish. Remove your feet from the soaking tub completely and empty it out. Dry your feet off, and if you’d like, massage on a layer of lotion into your skin. If you choose to do this, use a bit of nail polish remover to clean up your nails again (the lotion can keep polish from sticking).[2]
  9. 9
    Add your base coat. Use a clear nail polish as a protective base coat on all your toenails. This will prevent your nail polish from yellowing your toenails, as well as give your lacquer a solid base to stick to.
  10. Do a Pedicure Step 11 Version 2.jpg
    Apply your color of choice. Select a nail polish color, and paint each of your toenails. Start in the center of the nail near the cuticle, and use long brushstrokes towards the tip of each nail to fill in the color. Work from the center outwards until all your nails are filled in, using a fingernail or the edge of an orange stick to wipe off any polish that might have mistakenly gotten on your skin. You may need to add two coats of polish in order to get an opaque layer of color.
  11. Do a Pedicure Step 12 Version 2.jpg
    Finish your nails. Wait a few minutes for your polish to begin to dry, and add a clear top coat. This will set your polish in place, and help it to last longer without chipping. Then, protect your feet for 10-15 minutes while the polish completely dries. Test the polish with your finger to see if it is still tacky; when it is totally smooth to the touch and doesn’t smear under pressure, you’re finished! Go show off your cute new toes, and relish your soft new feet.